This is a space for storage of personal thoughts and observations, most notably about the group TXT (Tomorrow by Together) but also general commentary about the cultural phenomenon of K-pop and its intricacies. Coming from the background of a Korean Canadian immigrant in her 20s, who has been experiencing K-pop for a full decade. Having experienced fandom in both Korean centred and International centred circles, she shares her insight on every issue of fandom.


TXT/TUBATUShortened term by which fans address Tomorrow by Together.
MOAMoments of Alwaysness. Name of TXT’s fandom.
FandomCircles of fans, most often seperated into the main language they form a community around. K-fans/K-MOAs refer to Korea based fans. I-fans/I-MOAs refer to the plethora of fans across the world that mostly communicate in English.
Ult (group)Shortened form of ultimate. Favourite group.
BiasFavourite member of a group.
Glossary of lexicon common in Kpop.

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