Peer Review

  • Peer Review,  POSIEL

    Peer Review #3

    My final peer review is for Alice’s website ‘Paiks Pets’. To start my review I want to focus briefly on the aesthetics and design of her website. The bright and playful colours are very suitable for the playful nature of the blog’s subject. The white, mint and yellow theme seems suitable and is reminiscent of the colour schemes of dog toys. The little logo at the top of the site absolutely lends itself to making that theme more plentiful. However, I almost feel that the typography choices take away from this. The default Arial-like choice for most of the body text feels a little too plain. Maybe if the fonts…

  • Peer Review,  POSIEL

    Peer Review #1

    The website assigned to me for the first peer review is After Dark with Mallory. Mallory’s website is centred on book reviews, a mix of books from the 90s and from the 21st century. The use of a quote for the introduction of the site does a great job of setting the mood. I imagine that the audience for this public, those who are seeking book reviews on these genres of books, would feel at home in the aesthetic of the site. The entirety of the website is very aesthetically pleasing. The mood and palette of all the images used within the landing page is very well formulated. There is…

  • Peer Review,  POSIEL

    Peer Review #2

    My second peer review is for Amy’s digital diary at Amy’s Archives. Amy’s archives is a stellar website. It’s very together aesthetically, the typography choices as well as the general colour of theme adds to the coziness. I think the serif font and non capitalized choices are very suited for the casual and cozy mood. Even the accessibility toolbar colour is well suited to the theme! The little logo of the film camera is incredibly cute as well. The general theme of the site is minimalistic with a touch of personal adorableness that makes it very pleasing to the eye. I am not quite certain if the rounded sans serif…

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