• All five members of TXT posing to the camera after filming EP.119 of TODO
    From a MOA

    TODO is back!

    I’m so excited! My Mondays are made! TXT’s self published variety show is finally back after approximately three months of hiatus! During promotions, what with having to spend 10 hours at an ungodly time recording for music shows, the other interviews and promotions and everything in between, most groups self published shows take a necessary hiatus. There’s only 24 hours in a day after all. Usually towards the end of promotions, their time is freed up enough for them to film again and they produce several episodes to be released over the span fo months. These self published shows are definitely a more modern invention in kpop. What with the…

  • stock photo of a stack of photos on the right and a standing pencil case full of pencils on the left. Black and white.
    POSIEL,  Process Posts,  Week 11

    Process Post #11

    Q: Develop community guidelines for your site. Why are those the right guidelines for you? How will you implement them? I would like to think that community guidelines for my blog would be pretty straight forward. Plain and simple. I wouldn’t want to implement too many limitations. As much as the blog is about personal opinion, any other personal opinion should be welcome in the comments. In this case any interaction is a good interaction, even if it disagrees. That being said, normal rules should apply. No trolling (characterised by disingenuous posts formulated with the sole purpose of disturbing others). No harsh swearing or harassing. No spamming. Besides these ground…

  • Peer Review,  POSIEL

    Peer Review #3

    My final peer review is for Alice’s website ‘Paiks Pets’. To start my review I want to focus briefly on the aesthetics and design of her website. The bright and playful colours are very suitable for the playful nature of the blog’s subject. The white, mint and yellow theme seems suitable and is reminiscent of the colour schemes of dog toys. The little logo at the top of the site absolutely lends itself to making that theme more plentiful. However, I almost feel that the typography choices take away from this. The default Arial-like choice for most of the body text feels a little too plain. Maybe if the fonts…

  • Thumbnail from T:TIME of Soobin in Yokohama
    From a MOA

    From a MOA: Green Room Raid

    One of my favourite series of contents from the TXT official channel are the green room raids. They are what they sound like. The staff approach a single member behind the camera, while they’re waiting in the green room of a concert. The content graces us when we have world tours, as this is when they have the most time in the green room waiting between rehearsals, makeup and styling and sound checks. The staff hold out a jar full of paper and the member picks the random prompt to complete. It often involves getting another member to do something for them or with them. They are often super short,…

  • stock photo of a stack of photos on the right and a standing pencil case full of pencils on the left. Black and white.
    POSIEL,  Process Posts,  Week 10

    Process Post #10

    Q: Make a plan for incorporating more transmedia integration into your online publication. What channels will you focus on? Why? *I have realized after writing this post that I interpreted transmedia as meaning forms of social media instead of being made up of many forms of media. I was very torn on how I would be integrating transmedia into my site. The nature of my site made it such that I wasn’t really comfortable associating my personal online identity with the blog. I don’t think a rant blog about kpop is particularly useful to my standing. Perhaps I’m just prejudiced. Luckily, I did find a way to incorporation other platforms…

  • All five TXT members posing with umbrellas in the rain for REALITY concept photos.
    From a MOA

    From a MOA: Capitalisation

    I have a strange and interesting subject today. It isn’t limited to kpop or fandoms but is very prevalent in them, and other online spaces. When I first started writing for this blog, I was really torn on a decision. On casual online spaces people frequent, the use of capitalization is not so common. It almost feels right not to stick to capitalization, instead start all sentences with a common non capitalised letter. Part of me wanted to write on this blog in the same way. I’d be speaking on the same subjects in the same way. It only felt natural. I’m really curious how this distinction came to be.…

  • Uncategorized

    Process Post #9

    P: Analytics (Google, Facebook, Twitter etc.) is a very valuable tool for building your audience. For content creators, knowing how your reader behaves on your website can help enormously with developing the best content, posting at the right time, and developing the appropriate engagement strategies. On the flip side, for the reader or user, it can be tiresome and even worrisome knowing you are providing data trails every where you go online.

  • Thumbnail of spliced images of all five members of TXT.
    From a MOA

    TEAM: TXT; Reflection

    TEAM:TXT gives us a fresh but familiar look into the members’ thoughts, their stories and their feelings. When I first watched this video, it was really like being hit with a bright light for the first time. Despite the endless content of interviews and talk shows, from magazines to silly videos, it struck me as an incredibly honest and heartfelt video. It asks the members to reflect on their past, think about their motivations when they started their journey. Soobin mentions for the first time how he really only grew an interest in debuting because he was a die hard KARA fan, something he kept under wraps for a long…

  • stock photo of a stack of photos on the right and a standing pencil case full of pencils on the left. Black and white.
    POSIEL,  Process Posts,  Week 8

    Process Post #8

    R: Guest Speaker Trevor Battye’s Lecture on Marketing and Monetization I would like to spend this week reflecting on our guest speaker Trevor Battye’s lecture on monetization. The most notable thing I find fairly amusing is the blunt delivery of facts. We argue meaning and ethics, and it is important. But in the fast, cold, hard world of business and monetization Trevor presented, value is value. We often frown upon huge corporate monopolies and the ungodly amount of power they wield. But in an entrepreneurial sense, nothing is more profitable than a monopoly. He made that clear, and I greatly appreciate his candour. Unfortunately, in a capitalistic society of money,…

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