Thumbnail of spliced images of all five members of TXT.
From a MOA

TEAM: TXT; Reflection

TEAM:TXT gives us a fresh but familiar look into the members’ thoughts, their stories and their feelings.

When I first watched this video, it was really like being hit with a bright light for the first time. Despite the endless content of interviews and talk shows, from magazines to silly videos, it struck me as an incredibly honest and heartfelt video.

It asks the members to reflect on their past, think about their motivations when they started their journey. Soobin mentions for the first time how he really only grew an interest in debuting because he was a die hard KARA fan, something he kept under wraps for a long while.

It asks them if they’ve achieved their dreams, and what dreams they hope to achieve in the near future. Soobin admits he feels he lacks an identity to work on that. Yeonjun wishes for the health of his members. Beomgyu explains he never sets his goals too far into the future and just wants to grow through the promotions that await him, this comeback.

They take time to admit it’s not all butterflies and rainbows, that it’s hard and overwhelming, even painful at certain turns. Sometimes they miss out on normalcy to pursue a life in the spotlight. But they appreciate that they are very blessed nonetheless.

They confess about being too harsh on themselves. They confess to missing their family and feeling their value.

They think back on their highest highs and lowest lows. Taehyun speaks on those two times overlapping, as he felt the highest of accomplishments sweeping rookie of the year awards, in a time where he was physically at the end of his stamina.

TEAM:TXT is a thirty minute marathon where fans are privileged with a magnifying glass to how their favourite people process their emotions, and feel about accomplishments.

It’s a rare blessing, to be gifted something so raw and transparent. And it makes me feel lucky to be a MOA.

Check out the TEAM:TXT video below!

[TEAM:TXT] An in depth interview where the members of TXT self reflect.

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