• stock photo of a stack of photos on the right and a standing pencil case full of pencils on the left. Black and white.
    POSIEL,  Process Posts,  Week 8

    Process Post #8

    R: Guest Speaker Trevor Battye’s Lecture on Marketing and Monetization I would like to spend this week reflecting on our guest speaker Trevor Battye’s lecture on monetization. The most notable thing I find fairly amusing is the blunt delivery of facts. We argue meaning and ethics, and it is important. But in the fast, cold, hard world of business and monetization Trevor presented, value is value. We often frown upon huge corporate monopolies and the ungodly amount of power they wield. But in an entrepreneurial sense, nothing is more profitable than a monopoly. He made that clear, and I greatly appreciate his candour. Unfortunately, in a capitalistic society of money,…

  • stock photo of a stack of photos on the right and a standing pencil case full of pencils on the left. Black and white.
    POSIEL,  Process Posts,  Week 4

    Process Post #4

    Q: What audience have you been imagining thus far? How has that imagined audience informed your design and editorial decisions? To be completely transparent, I don’t imagine there being much of an audience for this.. This was a huge factor when I was struggling to decided on a subject for my blog. There is not much personal value for me in publicizing the content of this blog into the world. Perhaps like-minded fans? But really, WordPress is the last place those people would congregate. Thus, I have veered more in a direction of a personal journal blog, for my own reference and pleasure above all others. Thus, I have focused…

  • stock photo of a stack of photos on the right and a standing pencil case full of pencils on the left. Black and white.
    POSIEL,  Process Posts,  Week 3

    Process Post #3

    Q: Map out your website, visualizing which components should be placed where. Where will your PUB101 content live? I want to keep my POSIEL content confined to one tab so it is organized and easy to view. I am also thinking the POSIEL assignments and posts may be very out of character from the geeral content of the blog. Because of this part of me is considering options to keep it hidden? So as not to disturb the immersion of the rest of the blogs content. I am struggling to link my blog with any of my actual personal socials because I do not feel comfortable linking subjects that are…

  • stock photo of a stack of photos on the right and a standing pencil case full of pencils on the left. Black and white.
    Essay,  POSIEL


    ㅤThough the words performative activism do not initially suggest anything to be critical of, in present day it has been coined to define a certain brand of ‘wokeness’. One that is particularly evident on social media. With the growing tension in Gaza and the social media storm of controversy in its wake, the true value and role of ‘performative’ activism deserves examination. ㅤThe argument against performative action is sound in part. The prevalence of social media spaces and their integral part in modern political movements (notably those such as #MeToo or BLM, or even #freepalestine), means there are people whose participation is surface level. The label’s intention is critical. As…

  • stock photo of a stack of photos on the right and a standing pencil case full of pencils on the left. Black and white.
    POSIEL,  Process Posts,  Week 2

    Process Post #2

    Q: Write a blog post about the work you did this week. How does what you’ve created so far relate to the vision board you made last week? I will be completely honest in saying I really struggled to grasp the straws of what was necessary to work on our blog. There is so much freedom in the assignment that I feel like a fish out of water, flailing to identify what is good and necessary to fulfill what required of me. I definitely visited the semantics of WordPress because it is also something completely new to me and left me baffled and confused. I wish I also had more…

  • stock photo of a stack of photos on the right and a standing pencil case full of pencils on the left. Black and white.
    POSIEL,  Process Posts,  Week 1

    Process Post #1

    Q: Reflect and comment on your stranger encounter. How did it differ from your online interactions? I find that my stranger encounter was a bit plain. I ended up going the most obvious route and speaking to someone in an elevator. To be completely honest I am painfully aware of how I am different online and in person. With my fair share of social anxiety, I often pull out all the stops to make the best first impression in every physical interaction I feel reflects on me as a person. I dare say I have made a formula of things that seem like “green flags” to strangers and act accordingly.…

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